Zhi Cai's Project Portfolio Page
Project: Focuris
Focuris is a desktop event management application created with a Kanban board graphical user interface, which aims to help users better keep track of their tasks through an intuitive CLI, with a GUI created in JavaFX. It is written in Java and has about 10 kLoC.
Given below are my contributions to the project:
New Feature: Added Event model into Focuris
- What it does: This class is the backbone of all the events and tasks in Focuris
- Justification: We require an Event class to encapsulate all the user operations to an event
- Highlights: This affects all other commands added to Focuris in the future.
- Testing: Added test cases and test factory for Events
Code Contributed: RepoSense
Enhancements to existing features:
- Integration of code from JavaFX to Java for the KanBan board
Project Management:
- Managed timeline and tasks for team members for the project
- User Guide:
- Added documentation and screenshots for most of the commands
- Added material raised and outline buttons
- User Guide:
- PRs Reviewed (with non-trivial review comments): 19