Welcome to Focuris User Guide!

Thank you for downloading Focuris! As a busy University student, Focuris helps you manage and keep track of all your work, deadlines, and projects. We hope this User Guide helps you get started with Focuris so you can start making your student life a little easier!

Focuris is a desktop application for managing events with a KanBan board. The KanBan board is a board which displays events according to the level of completion: Backlog, Todo, In-Progress and Done.

Focuris aims to help university students like you to keep track of your tasks or events in order to help improve time management and organisation.

Get started quickly on your journey with Focuris here!

Here’s why you should use Focuris:

As a student, have you ever been overwhelmed by work in the middle of the semester? Or have you ever struggled to keep track of all your deadlines and projects? Or perhaps have you ever wondered what work to prioritise when things get hectic? Well, Focuris is here to help! Focuris can:

  • Help with task management and scheduling through a simple and easy to navigate interface.
  • Use a Command Line Interface (CLI) which allows fast typists to manage your event boards faster than applications with a Graphical User Interface (GUI).
  • Prioritise your tasks by looking at their priority level, from Low to High.
  • Get instant overview on the level of completion of each of your tasks.

How to use our User Guide:

Feel free to read on or check out our Table of Contents, to learn more about our features and customise your experience with Focuris!

Table Of Contents

1. Quick start

This section will explain how you can get Focuris up and running in the shortest way possible.

Start improving your productivity by following these simple steps:

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed on your Computer.

  2. You can download the latest CS2103T-W15-4.Focuris.jar from here.

  3. Copy the CS2103T-W15-4.Focuris.jar file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your installation of Focuris.

  4. Double-click the CS2103T-W15-4.Focuris.jar file to start Focuris. You should be able to see the graphical user interface within a few seconds. Note that the application contains some sample data since you are new to the application.
    The image below is the interface you will see when you first start up Focuris.
    Ui Check out 2.2 General for more information about the User Interface!

  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.
    Here are some commands you can get started with:

    • todon/CS2030 Lab 2 d/Lab 2 to complete : Adds an event named CS2030 Lab 2 to the application with status TODO.

    • logn/CS2107 Mid Terms d/Mid terms on 2nd Mar 2021 : Adds an event named CS2107 Mid Terms to the application with status BACKLOG.

    • progn/CS2100 Lab 3 d/Lab homework : Adds an event named CS2100 Lab 3 to the application with status IN PROGRESS.

    • delete3 : Deletes the event with the identifier of 3 shown on the KanBan board.

    • exit : Exits the application.

  6. Refer to the Features below for how you can utilise each command.

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2. Features

You will find out more about the various commands we have in Focuris after reading this chapter.

Continue reading for more ways to improve your productivity with Focuris!

:information_source: Please take note about the following when you enter commands into Focuris

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters you can provide to Focuris.
    e.g. in todo n/NAME d/DESCRIPTION, NAME is a parameter which can be used as todo n/CS2030.

  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    e.g n/NAME d/DESCRIPTION [p/PRIORITY] can be used as n/CS2030 d/Assignement p/HIGH or as n/CS2030 d/Assignment.

  • You can type in the parameters in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME d/DESCRIPTION, you can type it as d/DESCRIPTION n/NAME as well.

  • If a parameter is expected only once in the command but you specified it multiple times, only the last occurrence of the parameter will be taken.
    e.g. if you specify d/walk d/run, only d/run will be taken.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help and exit) will result in an error message.
    e.g. if you type help 123, Focuris will show an error that says Please remove extra irrelevant arguments!.
  • Note that commands are case sensitive, so you must follow the format given closely unless it is explicitly stated otherwise!
    e.g. list will work, but LIST or LiSt or any other variant will not work.

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2.1 Summary

The summary chapter gives you an overview of what the available commands are, and the parameters you should type into the Command Box of Focuris.

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2.1.1 Command Summary

If you are an experienced user who has used Focuris before, here is a summary of the commands you can navigate between easily!

For our new users, don’t be too intimidated! You can use this summary to better familiarize yourself with the different commands available. We will delve deeper into the specifics at chapters 2.2 and 2.3.

Command Description Format, Examples
Clear Clears all of your events in Focuris clear
Delete Deletes an existing event in Focuris delete IDENTIFIER
e.g., delete 2
Done Marks an existing event in Focuris as DONE done IDENTIFIER
e.g., done 3
Edit Edits your existing event’s parameters in Focuris edit IDENTIFIER [n/NAME] [s/STATUS] [d/DESCRIPTION] [p/PRIORITY]
e.g.,edit 2 n/CS2030 d/Assignment
Find Finds your existing event by specific keywords find KEYWORD [KEYWORD]...
e.g., find James Jake
Exit Exits the application exit
Help Displays help menu pop-up help
List Clears your previous filters and lists all events list
Log Creates your new event with status Backlog log n/NAME d/DESCRIPTION [p/PRIORITY]
e.g., log n/CS2030 d/Lab
Prog Creates your new event with status In-Progress prog n/NAME d/DESCRIPTION [p/PRIORITY]
e.g., prog n/CS2100 d/Tutorial
Switch Switch between list and kanban view in Focuris switch
Todo Creates your new event with status Todo todo n/NAME d/DESCRIPTION [p/PRIORITY]
e.g., todo n/CS2040 d/Assignment

:information_source: Please take note of the following with regards to Events in Focuris:

  • You will not be allowed to add Events with the same name into Focuris, regardless of their description, priority or status.
  • Events of the same name are treated as case-insensitive.
    e.g. CS2030 is the same name as cs2030.

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2.1.2 Parameter Summary

While typing in commands in Focuris, you may encounter several parameters that might be unknown to you.
The table below provides a detailed summary of the different parameters you will encounter while using Focuris.

Parameter Prefix Description Constraints
NAME n/ Name of your Event Your Event names should not contain any special characters or be blank
DESCRIPTION d/ Description of your Event Your Event descriptions should not contain any special characters or be blank
PRIORITY p/ Priority of your Event Your Event priorities should be either high, medium or low.
Priorities can be shorthanded to be h , m or l respectively.
Priorities are case insensitive, meaning high or HiGH would be understood the same way.
STATUS s/ Status of your Event Your Event statuses should be either backlog, todo, in_progress or done.
Statuses can be shorthanded to be bl , td, ip or d respectively.
Statuses are case insensitive, meaning backlog or BackLog would be understood the same way.
IDENTIFIER No Prefix Identifier of your Event in Focuris Your Event identifier should exist in the KanBan board.
KEYWORD No Prefix Keywords for searching Events in Focuris No Constraints

:information_source: Please take note of the following with regards to parameters in Focuris:

  • Identifiers are not meant to be a counter of your events. It is meant to be a unique identifier for your Events in Focuris and may not count in order.
  • Identifiers are automatically generated for you, you do not need to specify an identifier for your Events.
  • Identifiers will be recalculated every time you run Focuris.
  • Identifiers do not get reset to 1 after a clear command.
  • Priority is set to low by default if you do not specify a priority for your event.

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2.2 General

As a new user, the image below should give you a better understanding of what each part of our graphical user interface means!

There are two views in Focuris, which can be toggled with the switch command:

  1. KanBan view
    Ui KanBan

  2. List view
    Ui List This is how your events are displayed: Ui Event Card

:information_source: Note:
Please take note that Events are not sorted by their Priority in Focuris (Coming soon!)

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2.2.1 help Command

Shows you a pop-up with a link to the Focuris user guide.

What you should type into the Command Box:


What you should expect to happen:

  • Pop-up shows you the link to Focuris’ user guide.

help message

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2.2.2 exit Command

Exits out of Focuris.

What you should type into the Command Box:


What you should expect to happen:

  • Your Focuris application window closes.

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2.2.3 Saving of your data

Your Event data in Focuris is saved automatically whenever you execute any command that makes changes to events.

You can be assured that your data is safe and there is no need for you to save your data manually through executing a command.

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2.2.4 Editing your data file

Your data in Focuris is saved as a JSON file in this location: [JAR_FILE_LOCATION]/data/eventbook.json

  • Where JAR_FILE_LOCATION refers to the folder in which you store your CS2103T-W15-4.Focuris.jar application.

:information_source: Advanced Users: If you are an advanced user, you are welcome to update the data file by editing the data file directly.

:exclamation: Caution: If your changes to the data file makes its format invalid, Focuris will discard all your existing data and start with an empty data file on the next run.

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2.3 Event Commands

For the majority of event commands, you can simply execute them via these simple steps:

  1. Type the command you desire in the command box with the specified format detailed below.
  2. Hit enter on your keyboard!
  3. The result of your command should be visible on the Result Box, while the outcome of your command should be visible on the KanBan or List view (depending on your view) above the Result Box.

Start discovering and using the Commands now by going to the Command Summary!

Bring me to the Command Summary

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2.3.1 todo Command

Adds an event with status TODO to Focuris. You can find out more about the TODO event status here.

What you should type into the Command Box:


What you should expect to happen:

  • Before executing todo n/Household Chores d/Cleaning the kitchen p/high: Todo before

  • After executing todo n/Household Chores d/Cleaning the kitchen p/high: Todo after

More Sample Commands:

No Example Command Expected Command Result
1 todo n/CS2030 Assignment 1 d/Due on 23 Mar 2021 p/h New Event added with the Status of TODO: CS2030 Assignment 1; Priority: HIGH; Description: Due on 23 May 2021; Status: TODO
2 todo n/Lunch with John d/At VivoCity on Friday p/m New Event added with the Status of TODO: Lunch with John; Priority: MEDIUM; Description: At VivoCity on Friday; Status: TODO
3 todo n/Complete Homework d/Complete weekly quiz and group tasks for CS2103T p/medium New Event added with the Status of TODO: Complete Homework; Priority: MEDIUM; Description: Complete weekly quiz and group tasks for CS2103T; Status: TODO
4 todo n/Run d/Exercise p/h New Event added with the Status of TODO: Run; Priority: HIGH; Description: Exercise; Status: TODO

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2.3.2 log Command

Adds an event with status BACKLOG to Focuris. You can find out more about the BACKLOG event status here.

What you should type into the Command Box:


What you should expect to happen:

  • Before executing log n/Complete Homework d/Complete weekly quiz and group tasks for CS2103T: Backlog before
  • After executing log n/Complete Homework d/Complete weekly quiz and group tasks for CS2103T: Backlog after

More Sample Commands:

No Example Command Expected Command Result
1 log n/Household Chores d/Cleaning the kitchen p/h New Event added with the Status of BACKLOG: Household Chores; Priority: HIGH; Description: Cleaning the kitchen; Status: BACKLOG
2 log n/CS2030 Assignment 1 d/Due on 23 Mar 2021 p/m New Event added with the Status of BACKLOG: CS2030 Assignment 1; Priority: MEDIUM; Description: Due on 23 Mar 2021; Status: BACKLOG
3 log n/Lunch with John d/At VivoCity on Friday p/medium New Event added with the Status of BACKLOG: Lunch with John; Priority: MEDIUM; Description: At VivoCity on Friday; Status: BACKLOG
4 log n/Run d/Exercise p/high New Event added with the Status of BACKLOG: Run; Priority: HIGH; Description: Exercise; Status: BACKLOG

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2.3.3 prog Command

Adds an event with status IN PROGRESS to Focuris. You can find out more about the IN PROGRESS event status here.

What you should type into the Command Box:


What you should expect to happen:

  • Before executing prog n/CS2030 Assignment d/Due on 23 May 2021 p/medium: Before Prog
  • After executing prog n/CS2030 Assignment d/Due on 23 May 2021 p/medium: After Prog

More Sample Commands:

No Example Command Expected Command Result
1 prog n/Complete Homework d/Complete weekly quiz and group tasks for CS2103T New Event added with the Status of IN-PROGRESS: Complete Homework; Priority: LOW; Description: Complete weekly quiz and group tasks for CS2103T; Status: IN_PROGRESS
2 prog n/Household Chores d/Cleaning the kitchen p/high New Event added with the Status of IN-PROGRESS: Household Chores; Priority: HIGH; Description: Cleaning the kitchen; Status: IN_PROGRESS
3 prog n/Lunch with John d/At VivoCity on Friday p/medium New Event added with the Status of IN-PROGRESS: Lunch with John; Priority: MEDIUM; Description: At VivoCity on Friday; Status: IN_PROGRESS
4 prog n/Run d/Exercise p/h New Event added with the Status of IN-PROGRESS: Run; Priority: HIGH; Description: Exercise; Status: IN_PROGRESS

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2.3.4 edit Command

Edits an existing event in Focuris.

What you should type into the Command Box:


Things you should take note about the edit command:

  • The identifier refers to the index number shown in the respective displayed event list.
  • The identifier must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​.
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.

:exclamation: Caution

Existing event will have its data overwritten by the new values taken in by the edit command.

What you should expect to happen:

  • Before executing edit 6 n/CS2040S Lab 2 d/Merge sort algorithm p/m: Before edit

  • After executing edit 6 n/CS2040S Lab 2 d/Merge sort algorithm p/m: After edit

More Sample Commands:

  • edit 1 n/CS2030 d/Assignment Edits the event name and event description of the event with identifier #1 to be CS2030 and Assignment respectively.
  • edit 2 s/backlog Edits the status of the event with identifier #2 to be BACKLOG.
  • edit 3 n/CS1101S d/Streams assignment s/todo p/low Edits event the event name, description, status and priority of the event with identifier #3 to be CS1101S, Streams assignment, TODO, LOW respectively.
  • edit 4 s/d p/l Edits the status and the priority of the event with identifier #4 to be DONE and LOW respectively.

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2.3.5 delete Command

Deletes the specified event from Focuris.

What you should type into the Command Box:

  • The identifier refers to the number beside the hex symbol, e.g. #10 has an identifier of 10.
  • The identifier must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​.

What you should expect to happen:

  • Before execution of delete 7 command: Before delete
  • After execution of delete 7 command: After delete

More Sample Commands:

No Example Command Expected Command Result
1 delete 1 Deleted Event: CS2107 Finals; Priority: LOW; Description: Finals on 3rd May 2021; Status: BACKLOG;
2 delete 5 Deleted Event: CS2101 OP1; Priority: HIGH; Description: Due on 28 Mar 2021; Status: DONE;

:information_source: Note:
The commands in the table above make reference to the events in Focuris as seen in the screenshot below After execution of delete 7 command:.

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2.3.6 clear Command

Clears all events in Focuris.

What you should type into the Command Box:


:exclamation: Caution: All events will be cleared from Focuris and this is irreversible. Please use this command with care.

What you should expect to happen:

  • Before execution of the clear command: Before clear
  • After execution of the clear command: After clear

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2.3.7 find Command

Finds events whose names and description contain any of the given keywords.

What you should type into the Command Box:


Things you should take note about the find command:

  • Your keyword inputs are case-insensitive.
    • e.g. cs2103 will match cs2103, cS2103, Cs2103 and CS2103
  • The order of your inputs will not matter.
    • e.g. CS2103T Project will match Project CS2103T
  • Your keywords will only be matched with full words.
    • e.g. CS2103 will not match CS2103T
  • If your keywords match at least one word in an Event’s NAME or DESCRIPTION, you should see it in the output.
    • e.g. CS2103T will match CS2103T Project, CS2103T v1.3 Deadline, etc.
  • Focuris will try to match your keywords with any Events by their NAME and DESCRIPTION parameters only. You can get more information about parameters here.

What you should expect to happen:

  • Before execution of find cs2040s command: Before find
  • After execution of find cs2040s command: After find

More Example Commands:

No Example Command Expected events to match
1 find cs2101 op1 Events with either cs2101 or op1 in their names or descriptions will be matched
2 find CS2103T Events with either cs2103t in their names or descriptions will be matched
3 find one two three Events with either one or two or three in their names or descriptions will be matched

:information_source: Note:

  • The Expected events to match column in the table above displays the names in lower-case, but keywords in any case is matched, e.g. cs2103 will match Cs2103, cS2103, CS2103 and cs2103.

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2.3.8 list Command

Lists all of your events in Focuris. Typically used after using find.

What you should type into the Command Box:


What you should expect to happen:

  • After execution of find cs2040s command: Before list
  • After execution of list command: After list

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2.3.9 done Command

Set the status of an Event to DONE. You can find out more about the DONE status here.

What you should type into the Command Box:


What you should expect to happen:

  • Before the execution of the done 6 command: Before done

  • After the execution of done 6 command: After done

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2.3.10 switch Command

Toggle between list and kanban views

What you should type into the Command Box:


What you should expect to happen:

  • Before execution of the switch command, in KanBan view: Before switch

  • After execution of the switch command, from KanBan view to List view: After switch

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3. FAQ

As a new user to Focuris, you might have many unanswered queries. We hope that the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) addresses your concerns and you are able to start using Focuris to manage and keep track of all your work, deadlines and projects today!

Here are the areas covered in the FAQ:

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3.1 Privacy and Data FAQ

As a user, you might be concerned about your privacy and data. We seek to address your privacy and data concerns in this section.

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous Focuris home folder.

Q: Does this application require an Internet connection?
A: No, Focuris does not require an Internet connection to use.

Q: What is the maximum length of text I can enter into a event name or event description?
A: Focuris does not limit the maximum length of text that can be entered and stored as it will increase the size of the card to fit the text given. However, the general notion we try to promote is efficiency and productivity, and thus we recommend keeping the text under 20 characters for the event name, and 40 characters for the description.

Q: Will my data be sent anywhere else or shared with third parties?
A: Your data is stored locally on your own computer. Focuris does not use any Internet connection so no data can be sent to any online servers.

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3.2 Application User FAQ

As a new user to Focuris, you might encounter have certain queries regarding how the application logic behind Focuris works. We seek to address your queries and help you get a better understanding of how Focuris works.

Q: Why are multiple Events of the same name not allowed in our application?
A: We believe that tasks should be broken down into small components such that the title should be self-descriptive of the task. Therefore, we believe that Events of the same name are not allowed since you could probably break the task down into smaller parts or add unique descriptors to the name of the task to help yourself differentiate tasks even quicker.

Q: Why are the identifiers of my Events not in counting order?
A: Identifiers are meant to be unique to each task. Whenever a new Event is created, the identifier counter increases. The counter does not decrease since this could potentially lead to issues whereby the identifier is no longer unique, which would cause the functionality of Focuris to be compromised. As such, we believe that an identifier that does not reset or decrease in a single session is best suited for such a task.

Q: Why are identifiers not resetting when I run the clear command to clear all Events?
A: Identifiers are meant to be unique to each task. Therefore, during each of your sessions on Focuris, the identifiers will not be reset. However, when you restart the application, the identifiers will be reset as each Event is being added into Focuris from the data file. This ensures that identifiers assigned to new tasks are always unique, following the practices of GitHub and Jira.

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4. Glossary

As a new user to Focuris, you may encounter certain keywords that you may not be familiar with in the user guide or in Focuris. The glossary will help you get started with understanding what each keyword means.

Backlog: Describes an Event that is currently not being worked on, but needs to be worked on in the future. When an Event is about to be worked on, a status of Todo should be allocated to it.

Case Insensitive: Case Insensitive means that a word input in upper case and lower case will be taken the same way.

Done: Describes an Event where progress is completed. Once a record of the Event is no longer needed, the Event can be deleted from the KanBan board.

In Progress: Describes an Event where progress is currently being made for the task and it will be completed soon. When an Event is completed, a status of Done should be allocated to it.

KanBan: KanBan is inspired by the Japanese words ‘看板’, meaning signboard. In workflow management, a kanban board aims to help you visualise your workflow, often through including a board with cards and columns, where each card represents a work item and each column represents the current status of a work item, in Focuris, these columns are Backlog, Todo, In Progress and Done.

Parameters: Parameters are the input given to commands behind prefixes such as n/.

Special Characters: Characters that are neither alphabets, from A to Z, nor digits, from 0 to 9.

Todo: Describes an Event that is currently about to be worked on in the near future. When work on an Event is underway, a status of In Progress should be allocated to it.

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